Gold 2 : GP2

Gold 2 : GP2

Gold 2, our latest permanent stand, is ready to welcome you. It guarantees an uninterrupted view from the Sourcfe bend to the famous Raidillon. It's also the perfect stand to enjoy the views towards the Paddocks and F2/F3 pits, while guaranteeing you optimum comfort and a great viewpoint.

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You may cancel your order within a strict period of 14 calendar days from the date of collection or debit by the credit institution, even if no signature has been affixed to the means of payment.

From July 29th 2019, this withdrawal period is no longer valid. On this date, tickets will not be taken back or exchanged except in the event of cancellation of the Belgian Formula 1 Grand Prix. In case of any problems with your tickets, please do not hesitate to contact us as soon as possible.

Orders cannot generally be changed. Please contact our support services for any request.
You can view our general terms and conditions of sale by clicking here.